Discount 5 Angel Trumpet Brugmansia Pink Tree Bloom Cuttings No Roots

Discount 5 Angel Trumpet Brugmansia. Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale 2011 5 Angel Trumpet Brugmansia Pink Tree Bloom Cuttings No Roots. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Hot Savings!.

You can purchase this amazing 5 Angel Trumpet Brugmansia at Amazon with Fast & Super Saver Shipping! Click here to get a great price on this 5 Angel Trumpet Brugmansia!

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Angel's Garden of Eden , The price is for 5 of these cuttings. These plants are hardy in USDA Zones 9- 11. (They do survive in Zone 8 as well, but do need protection on the roots for the winter. They will die back to the ground and regrow from the roots in spring.) They can be grown in any zone in a container and brought indoors or in a green house to go through the winter. These plants can reach a height of up to 20 feet tall and spreads 10 to 15 feet wide. They will grow in full sun to partial shade. These trees will bloom most of the year- from spring until fall (if they died back to the roots during the winter, they will spend most of spring growing and then bloom in summer). Most of these cuttings will between 4 and 8 inches tall and will have no roots yet. Planting instructions will be included. ...

Here are some of the great features of 5 Angel Trumpet Brugmansia Pink Tree Bloom Cuttings No Roots

  • These trees will bloom most of the year- from spring until fall
  • They can be grown in any zone in a container and brought indoors or in a green house to go through the winter.
  • These plants are hardy in USDA Zones 9- 11. (They do survive in Zone 8 as well)
  • These plants can reach a height of up to 20 feet tall and spreads 10 to 15 feet wide.
  • These 5 cuttings will each be between 4 and 8 inches tall and will have no roots yet.

5 Angel Trumpet Brugmansia Pink Tree Bloom Cuttings No Roots
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5 Angel Trumpet Brugmansia
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Discount 5 Angel Trumpet Brugmansia. Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale 2011 5 Angel Trumpet Brugmansia Pink Tree Bloom Cuttings No Roots. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Hot Savings!.